A Balanced Life

So, as some of you may have noticed, I haven’t posted for over a year now (!).  I didn’t make a conscious decision to stop posting, it just happened.   I’m not certain why.  Perhaps I exhausted the subject matter, or maybe I exhausted myself.  Writing about personal growth, while at the same time growing in leaps and bounds, was enlightening, but intense.  I was consumed by it, (both the self-examination and the writing), and I realize now that I needed to find a little more balance in my life.  Having said that, I don’t regret a single second of my time spent in deep self-examination.  As challenging as it was, it is an absolute necessity for growth, and it had to be done.

I am continuing on my journey, but I am taking more rests along the path and enjoying the sights on the way.  I still have my eye on the summit; it’s there in the distance and I can see it a little more clearly every day.  But I have slowed my pace to a leisurely stroll as opposed to a run; a marathon rather than a sprint.

I have changed my header to reflect my current mood.  The quiet after the storm.  The sense of peace, and the dawning of a new day.

So what have I been up to for the last year or so?  Well,..


Some healthy eating..


Stuff around the house..


Chillaxing at the cottage..


Stuff around the garden.


More healthy eating..


Healthy wine.. 🙂


Working out with my sis.


A little work at the office.


Hiking in the Gatineau

Finding balance is key for maintaining peace of mind, and a healthy and energized Self.

This entry was posted in Flow, Happiness, Meaning of Life, Mental Health, Positive Thinking and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to A Balanced Life

  1. Nina Renee says:

    Hello, L! It’s wonderful to see you back on here. I’ve missed your insightful posts, but I totally understand the need to take some real time for yourself. I love the pics, and I’m happy to hear (or read, haha) that you’ve been doing well. 🙂

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